Peer reviewed journal publications
55. Qian, K., Cheng, N., Serafin, F., Sun, K., Theocharis, G., Mao, X., and Boechler, N., “Observation of mechanical kink control and generation via phonons”, submitted pdf
54. Xiu, H., Fancher, R., Frankel, I., Ziemke, P., Fermen-Coker, M., Begley, M., and Boechler, N., “Minimizing finite viscosity enhances relative kinetic energy absorption in bistable mechanical metamaterials but only with sufficiently fine discretization: a nonlinear dynamical size effect”, submitted pdf
53. Alqasimi, J., Qian, K., Herard, N., and Boechler, N., “Exploring the Possibility of Nonreciprocity via Geometric-Nonlinearity-Enabled All-Acoustic Spatiotemporal Modulation”, submitted
52. MacNider, B., Xiu, H., Tamur, C., Qian, K., Frankel, I., Brandy, M., Kim, H. A., and Boechler, N., “Customizable wave tailoring nonlinear materials enabled by bilevel inverse design”, submitted pdf
51. MacNider, B., Frankel, I., Qian, K., Pozos, A., Santos, A., Kim, H. A., and Boechler, N., “Tailoring high precision polynomial architected material constitutive responses via inverse design”, submitted pdf
50. Cheng, W. T., Qian, K., Cheng, N., Boechler, N., Mao, X., and Sun, K., “Backscattering-free edge states below all bands in two-dimensional auxetic media”, Nature Communications, in press, pdf
49. Holland, J. E., Byun, J., Boechler, N., and Poulikakos, L. V., “Acoustoplasmonic Metasurfaces for Tunable Acoustic Wavefront Shaping with Polarized Light”, ACS Photonics, 12, 758-767 (2025) pdf
48. Alderete, N. A., Sathyan, S., Raetz, S., Margueritat, J., Asgari, M., Boechler, N., Abi Ghanem, M., and Espinosa, H., “Characterization of the Phononic Landscape of Natural Nacre from Abalone Shells”, Small, 2407959, 1-12 (2024) pdf
47. Herard, N., Annapooranan, R., Henry, T., Kröger, M., Cai, S., Boechler, N., and Sliozberg, Y., “Modeling liquid crystal elastomer synthesis, mechanics, and thermal actuation via coarse-grained molecular dynamics”, Soft Matter, 20, 9219 - 9231 (2024) pdf
46. Simmonds, M. J., Založnik, A., Patino, M., Baldwin, M. J., and Boechler, N., “An increased accuracy laser-induced transient grating spectroscopy analysis method for probing near surface thermal diffsivity with gigahertz frequency instrumentation”, AIP Advances, 14, 105226 (2024) pdf
45. Založnik, A., Simmonds, M. J., Schwendeman, B. D., Boechler, N., Baldwin, M. J., and Tynan, G. R., “Analytical model for laser-induced transient grating measurements of thermal diffusivity in non-opaque materials”, Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 125108 (2024) pdf
44. Herard, N., Wang, Z., Annapooranan, R., Qian, K., Chiu, P. H., Lawrence, B. D., Nataraj, L., Henry, T., Cai, S., and Boechler, N., “Push, snap, pull, and buckle: A material design framework enabled by cooperating active and geometrically nonlinear passive microstructures”, Materials & Design, 236, 112432 (2023) pdf
43. MacNider, B., Jones, D., Callanan, J., Beason, M., Gray III, G. T., Dattelbaum, D. M., Boechler, N., and Fensin, S., “In situ measurement of damage evolution in shocked magnesium as a function of microstructure”, Science Advances, 9, eadi2606 (2023) pdf
42. Allein, F., Chaunsali, R., Anastasiadis, A., Frankel, I., Boechler, N., Diakonos, F. K., and Theocharis, G., “Strain topological metamaterials and revealing hidden topology in higher-order coordinates”, Nature Communications, 14, 6633 (2023) pdf
41. Fancher, R., Frankel, I., Chin, K., Abi Ghanem, M., MacNider, B., Shannahan, L. S., Berry, J. F., Fermen-Coker, M., Boydston, A. J., and Boechler, N. “Dependence of the kinetic energy absorption capacity of bistable mechanical metamaterials on impactor mass and velocity”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 63, 102044 (2023) pdf
40. Xiu, H., Frankel, I., Liu, H., Qian, K., Sarkar, S., Macnider, B. C., Chen, Z., Boechler, N., and Mao, X., “Synthetically Non-Hermitian Nonlinear Wave-like Behavior in a Topological Mechanical Metamaterial” The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (18) e2217928120 (2023) pdf
39. MacNider, B., Liang, X., Hoang, S., Abi Ghanem, M., Cai, S., and Boechler, N., “Dynamic compression of soft layered materials yields tunable and spatiotemporally evolving surface patterns”, Physical Review E, 107, 035002 (2023) pdf
38. Palacios, J., Calderin, L., Chon, A., Frankel, I., Allein, F., Gorelik, R., Lata, T., Curradi, R., Lambert-Milak, G., Oke, A., Smith, N., Abi Ghanem, M., Lucas, P., Boechler, N., and Deymier, P., “Temperature-Controlled Spatiotemporally Modulated Phononic Crystal for Achieving Nonreciprocal Acoustic Wave Propagation”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151, 3669 (2022) pdf
37. Wang, J., Allein, F., Floer, C., Boechler, N., Friend, J., and Vazquez-Mena, O., “Negative-index acoustic metamaterial operating above 100 kHz in water using microstructured silicon chips as unit cells”, Advanced Materials Technology, 2200407, 1-11 (2022) pdf
36. Wang, Z., Boechler, N., Cai, S., “Anisotropic mechanical behaviors of 3D printed liquid crystal elastomer”, Additive Manufacturing, 52, 102678 (2022) pdf
35. Vasan, A., Allein, F., Duque, M., Magaram, U., Boechler, N., Chalasani, S. H., and Friend, J., “Microscale concert hall acoustics to produce uniform ultrasound stimulation for targeted sonogenetics in hsTRPA1-transfected cells”, Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 2100135, 1 (2022) pdf
Press: KPBS
34. Basu, A., Wong, J., Cao, B., Boechler, N., Boydston, A. J., and Nelson A., “Mechano-activation of color and autonomous shape change in 3D printed ionic polymer networks”, Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 19263 (2021) pdf
33. Behrou, R., Abi Ghanem, M., Macnider, B., Verma, V., Alvey, A., Hong, J., Emery, A. F., Kim, H. A., and Boechler, N., “Topology optimization of nonlinear periodically microstructured materials for tailored homogenized constitutive properties”, Composite Structures, 266, 113729 (2021) pdf
32. Abi Ghanem, M. Khoryati, L., Behrou, R., Khanolkar, A., Raetz, S., Allein, F., Boechler, N., and Dehoux, T., “Growing Phenotype-controlled Phononic Materials from Plant Cells Scaffolds”, Applied Materials Today, 22, 100934 (2021) pdf
Press: CNRS press release, Le Journal de Mickey
31. Wang, J., Allein, F., Boechler, N., Friend, J., and Vazquez-Mena, O., “Design of negative refractive index metamaterials for near-megahertz enhanced acoustic transmission in future biomedical ultrasound applications”, Physical Review Applied, 15, 024025 (2021) pdf
Highlight: Selected as “Editor’s Suggestion”
30. (author order alphabetical) Abi Ghanem, M., Basi, A., Behrou, R., Boechler, N., Boydston, A. J., Craig, S. L., Lin, Y. J., Lynde, B. E., Nelson, A., Shen, H., and Storti, D. W., “Polymer mechanochemistry in materials science and advanced manufacturing”, Nature Reviews Materials, 6, 84-98 (2021) pdf
29. Wong, J., Basu, A., Wende, M., Boechler, N., and Nelson, A., “3D programmable mechano-activated objects with multidirectional shape morphing”, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 2504-2508 (2020) pdf
28. Schwartz, J., Behrou, R., Cao, B., Bassford, M., Mendible, A., Shaeffer, C., Boydston, A., and Boechler, N., “Reduced Strain Mechanochemical Activation Onset in Microstructured Materials”, Polymer Chemistry, 11, 1122 (2020) pdf
27. Abi Ghanem, M., Khanolkar, A., and Boechler, N., “Nano-contact tailoring via microlensing enables giant post-fabrication mesoscopic tuning in a self-assembled ultrasonic metamaterial”, Advanced Functional Materials, 1909217 (2020) pdf
26. Abi Ghanem, M., Khanolkar, A., Helwig, M., Wallen, S. P., Hiraiwa, M., Vogel, N., and Boechler, N., “Longitudinal Eigenvibration of Multilayer Colloidal Crystals and the Effect of Nanoscale Contact Bridges”, Nanoscale, 11, 5655 (2019) pdf
25. Abi Ghanem, M., Liang, X., Lydon, B., Potocsnak, L., Wehr, T., Ghanem, M., Cai, S., and Boechler, N., “Wrinkles riding waves in soft layered materials”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 1801609 (2019) pdf
Highlight: Selected for frontispiece image pdf
24. Cao, B., Boechler, N., and Boydston, A. “Additive Manufacturing with a Flex Activated Mechanophore for Nondestructive Assessment of Mechanochemical Reactivity in Complex Object Geometries”, Polymer, 152, 4-8 (2018) pdf
23. Barbee, M. H., Mondal, K., Deng, J. Z., Bharambe, V., Neumann, T. V., Adams, J. J., Boechler, N., Dicket, D. M., and Craig, S. L., “Mechanochromic stretchable electronics”, Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 29918–29924 (2018) pdf
Press: Duke News, Printed Electronics World
22. Zheng, J. J., Khanolkar, A., Xu, P. P., Colburn, S., Deshmukh, S., Meyers, J., Frantz, J., Pop, E., Hendrickson, J., Doylend, J., Boechler, N., and Majumdar, A. “GST-on-silicon hybrid nanophotonic integrated circuits: a non-volatile quasi-continuously reprogrammable platform”, Optical Materials Express, 8, 1551 (2018) pdf
Highlight: Selected as the best paper published in the Optical Materials Express by an emerging researcher in 2018.
21. Vega-Flick, A., Duncan, R., Wallen, S. P., Boechler, N., Stelling, C., Retsch, M., Alvarado-Gil, J. J., Nelson, K. A., and Maznev, A. A., “Contact-based and spheroidal vibrational modes of a hexagonal monolayer of microspheres on a substrate”, Wave Motion, 76, 122 (2018) pdf
20. Otsuka, P., Mezil, S., Matsuda, O., Tomoda, M., Maznev, A., Gan, T., Fang, N., Boechler, N., Goussev, V., and Wright, O., “Time-domain imaging of gigahertz surface waves on an acoustic metamaterial”, New Journal of Physics, 20, 013026 (2018) pdf; summary
19. Vega-Flick, A., Duncan, R., Wallen, S. P., Boechler, N., Stelling, C., Retsch, M., Alvarado-Gil, J. J., Nelson, K. A., and Maznev, A. A., “Vibrational dynamics of a two-dimensional micro-granular crystal studied with laser-induced transient gratings”, Physical Review B, 96, 024303 (2017) pdf
18. Hiraiwa, M., Wallen, S. P., and Boechler, N., “Acoustic wave propagation in disordered microscale granular media under compression”, Granular Matter, 19, 62 (2017) pdf
17. Wallen, S. P., Lee, J., Mei, D., Chong, C., Kevrekidis, P. G., and Boechler, N., “Discrete Breathers in a Mass-in-Mass Chain with Hertzian Local Resonators”, Physical Review E 95, 022904 (2017) pdf
16. Wallen, S. and Boechler, N., “Shear to longitudinal mode conversion via second harmonic generation in a two-dimensional microscale granular crystal”, Wave Motion, 68, 22 (2017) pdf
15. Geslain, A., Raetz, S., Hiraiwa, M., Abi Ghanem, M., Wallen, S. P., Khanolkar, A., Boechler, N., Laurent, J., Prada, C., Duclos, A., Leclaire, P., Groby, J.-P., “Spatial Laplace transform for complex wavenumber recovery and its application in the analysis of attenuation in acoustic systems”, Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 135107 (2016) pdf
14. Hiraiwa, M., Stossel, M., Khanolkar, A., Wang, J., and Boechler, N., “Laser-induced spallation of microsphere monolayers”, Langmuir, 32, 7730 (2016) pdf
13. Hiraiwa, M., Abi Ghanem, M., Wallen, S., Khanolkar, A., Maznev, A. A., and Boechler, N., “Complex contact-based dynamics of microsphere monolayers revealed by resonant attenuation of surface acoustic waves”, Physical Review Letters, 116, 198001 (2016) pdf; summary
Press: UW News, Science Daily, Eureka Alert, PhysOrg, NewsWise, eScienceNews, Futurity,, NanoWerk, NSF News
12. Eliason, J. K., Vega-Flick, A., Hiraiwa, M., Khanolkar, A., Gan, T., Boechler, N., Fang, N., Nelson, K. A., and Maznev, A. A., “Resonant attenuation of surface acoustic waves by a microgranular metamaterial”, Applied Physics Letters 108, 061907 (2016) pdf
11. Vega-Flick, A., Eliason, J. K., Maznev, A. A., Khanolkar, A., Abi Ghanem, M., Boechler, N., Alvarado-Gil, J. J., and Nelson, K. A., “Laser-induced transient grating setup with continuously tunable period”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 123101 (2015) pdf
10. Wallen, S., Maznev, A. A., and Boechler, N., “Dynamics of a Monolayer of Microspheres on an Elastic Substrate” Physical Review B, 92, 174303 (2015) pdf
9. Khanolkar, A., Wallen, S., Abi Ghanem, M., Jenks, J., Vogel, N., Boechler, N., “A Self-Assembled Metamaterial for Lamb Waves” Applied Physics Letters, 107, 071903 (2015) pdf
8. Boechler, N., Eliason, J., Kumar, A., Maznev, A., Nelson, K., and Fang, N., “Interaction of a Contact Resonance of Microspheres with Surface Acoustic Waves” Physical Review Letters, 111, 036103 (2013) pdf
Press: Science Daily, ScienceNewsLine, MIT News
7. Hoogeboom, C., Man, Y., Boechler, N., Theocharis, G., Kevrekidis, P. G., and Daraio, C. “Hysteresis Loops and Multi-stability: From Periodic Orbits to Chaotic Dynamics (and Back) in Diatomic Granular Crystals” EPL, 101, 44003 (2012) pdf
6. Man, Y., Boechler, N., Theocharis, G., Kevrekidis, P. G., and Daraio, C. “Defect modes in one-dimensional granular crystals” Physical Review E, 85, 037601 (2012) pdf
5. Boechler, N., Theocharis, G., and Daraio, C. “Bifurcation-based acoustic switching and rectification” Nature Materials, 10, 665 (2011) pdf
Press: Popular Science, Engadget, Gizmag, Scienceagogo, CBS Interactive
4. Boechler, N., Yang, J. K., Theocharis, G., Kevrekidis, P. G., and Daraio, C. “Tunable vibrational band gaps in one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals with three-particle unit cells” Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 074906 (2011) pdf
3. Theocharis, G., Boechler, N., Kevrekidis, P. G., Job, S., Porter, M. A., and Daraio, C. “Intrinsic energy localization through discrete gap breathers in one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals” Physical Review E, 82, 056604 (2010) pdf
2. Ponson, L., Boechler, N., Lai, Y. M., Porter, M. A., Kevrekidis, P. G., and Daraio, C. “Nonlinear waves in disordered diatomic granular chains” Physical Review E, 82, 021301 (2010) pdf
1. Boechler, N., Theocharis, G., Job, S., Kevrekidis, P. G., Porter, M. A., and Daraio, C. “Discrete Breathers in One-Dimensional Diatomic Granular Crystals” Physical Review Letters, 104, 244302 (2010) pdf
Book chapters
Theocharis, G., Boechler, N., and Daraio, C. “Nonlinear Phononic Periodic Structures and Granular Crystals”, Chapter 6 of the book “Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials”, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Volume 173 (2013) pdf