Self-assembly fabrication

We utilize self-assembly techniques for the fabrication of large area materials with micro- to nanoscale structural features. While nanomaterials can exhibit extraordinary properties, in many cases applications require that these materials be used in large quantities. This often becomes impractical using conventional and point-by-point (top-down) manufacturing techniques. An alternate approach is to let the materials build themselves, or self-assemble in a bottom-up approach. 

Laser ultrasonic characterization

Photoacoustic techniques use lasers to generate and measure thermal properties and mechanical waves at very high frequencies (MHz to 100 GHz) and sub-angstrom displacement resolution.

Our current setups include:
• Laser-induced transient grating spectroscopy
• Scanned photo-deflection surface acoustic wave characterization
• Grating interferometry
• Laser-induced shock
• Laser-generated hypervelocity microparticle ballistic impact 

3D Printing

Our lab has multiple 3D printers that utilize different manufacturing methods, which enable rapid prototyping with a broad array of constituent materials. We also have access to the MAE rapid prototyping center for high resolution printing.

Mechanical and dynamic testing

In addition to the laser ultrasonic testing capabilities, our lab has an array of mechanical and dynamic testing capabilities for lower frequency (<100 kHz) scenarios that span a large energy range. This includes mechanical testing via a 50 kN load frame; piezoelectric and electrodynamic shaker setups, with accelerometer and force transducer measurement; 1 Mfps color high speed video, dynamic laser distance measurement (Keyence); a spring loaded drop tower (<20 m/s impact speeds), a ultralight gas gun (<90 m/s impact speeds), Split-Hopkinson pressure bar, and a ~1 km/s gas gun (the latter two currently under rehabilitation).

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